

Cass casts the winning vote for both NYC Comptroller and Public Advocate in his first ever attempt at voting while sleeping.


Earth Room. Dancing.

Cass rocks out at the Chelsea Market while Dan sings "White Riot" to him. Earlier that day, Cass was tempted to dig in the dirt at the Earth Room.


It's not perspective. He has big legs.

Sunnyside Chats.

Bird Watching (in the tub)

Did I sleep through the Dan Graham show again?

We took Cass to the Dan Graham show when he was one week old. We had members' access to bad coffee and baked breakfast goods as part of the opening. It was great to get out of the apartment and we felt satisfied knowing that we were promoting early exposure to good things. Cass slept through the whole thing (all 5 minutes of our time there). We sped out of the show to change, feed and comfort him. We felt it was important to return, especially now that we know how much Cass digs mirrors and light. He slept though most of the show -- even through Rock My Religion (well, kind of). Oh well. We enjoyed it!